Monday, January 22, 2018

Lady Wisdom vs. Lady Folly 1/22-28

Dear Lady Folly

I can't believe I let you kiss me
with those poison lips
The fates warned me about you
with signs too obvious to miss.

I hang on your every word
As wind propels the bird
So I let your every whim
carry me until I had lost home.

You will not be adding me
to your endless list of victims
I will stand with wisdom
and enjoy a good homecooked meal.

I got this image from the imagery of Proverbs with folly being a woman who devours the innocent.
Young men (and women) are supposed to avoid the temptations that lure in the simple.  There is a price for the pleasure.

Folly says,
To those who have no sense she says,
17     “Stolen water is sweet;
    food eaten in secret is delicious!”
18 But little do they know that the dead are there,
    that her guests are deep in the realm of the dead.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Jan 14-20 The Not So Generous Accountant

The Not So Generous Accountant

We all rejoice when people we love
take their challenges and rise above
but if we are honest with ourselves
We often feel like we have been shelved.

Why won't success come and visit me?
Why do some prosper and others fail miserably
 We often let jealousy crept inside a door
 We had left open for souls far more poor.

Life never seems to be a generous giver
But sour souls will not be delivered
Only those who accept their amount
Will see that time evens all accounts.

Recently a friend of mine experienced something that I am wanting.  I am happy for him but I must be patient and not passive.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Week 2 (January 8-13)

Rise of the Victorious 

You give me my every breath
Yet I cling to what is left
A lump of clay lacks the vision
to question the Master's decisions
You alone sit on the throne
You alone are my King.
Your promises are enough
to keep me when the going's tough
Why should I bow my head
to a foe that is already as good as dead.
As you were with Moses
so You shall be with me
No man can withstand
The might of your hand
Unfurled at Calvary.

Poetry Slam week 1 (Jan 1-7)

I have decided to post my poems here on my blog.  I rediscovered this blog I made about a year ago.  I will update it weekly with new poems written in English.  Please leave comments.

I have several goals this year:

1. Learn to speak Spanish
2. Learn to speak Japanese
3. Write a poem once a week
4. Get healthy

Please tell me what you think about my poems.  I welcome criticism.

Noxious Dreams by Thomas Daniel Rogers

Time steals what it can't kill
As the raging river pours every drop of strength
into the gaping maw of a bottomless sea

Looking up at the stars hurts my neck
As I strain to see the faintest twinkle
The trails of dust leave me with a cough.

This heart is shackled by impossible dreams
Its beat slows under the growing weight
of eternity.

The sweetest of wines has become a poison
Kissing the lips before biting the belly.
It tempts you with promises of ending the pain.

Groaning I cut the chains of the past
As I raise my hands to block the sun
I throw my into today, pushing one load at a time.